
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Justin Corrections

Hey Justin,

Alex told me that you were interested in a red-line so I did a multi-color overlay if you don't mind! As she mentioned earlier, shapes and anatomical structure is just as important as a line drawing would be before rendering. I should probably start with a disclaimer since I'm not quite familiar with your style (not the same case with Alex) so I'm not quite sure where you were originally planning on going with your character design.

I based many of the corrections on my personal animation aesthetic, so please feel free to pick and choose to your liking since I understand game art styles vary a lot depending on the game and direction. I know game art also doesn't focus a lot on gesture and movement like animation does, but at the same time I think it would be a great asset to know it and apply it when necessary to help give your characters more 'life' in the drawing. Using shapes in your design also helps give that unique look you're probably looking for.

Definitely work on playing up your shapes with the hair, the face, the clothing, any kind of character accent (headband, earrings, waist stash, etc?) so that everything comes down to a unified design. Furthermore, I shrunk the head down a bit so that he was proportional with the rest of the body (not sure if the big head was intentional or not?) and keep an eye out for any kind of opposing angles [hips vs shoulders], not to mention angles are a natural thing in the body so include it! Same concept goes for a straight angle - oppose it with a curve!

Hope this helps~



  1. Nice job critiquing Jen. :) I also would like to add that if it was your intention to make the head bigger, you have to compensate in a different area. I remember you were in our figure drawing class, and Larisa summed that up pretty well. Simply the mass has to go somewhere else.

  2. Awesome. Thanks so much Jen. This helps a lot. I was intentional in making the head bigger, but i think I have a problem of often making the head a bit too big. I'll need to work on that. Great point about curves and opposing angles too.
