
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tree house

I was have trouble figuring out what was the focal in your first comp.  The tree house and the figures both seemed like you wanted them to be the focal point, but you couldn't decide.  Multiple points of interest are great for leading the eye around, but it seems like for an environment/establishing shot like this, you would want the island/tree for thing to be the focus and use everything else to support that.  Also, everything seemed pretty 50/50 as far as the original composition went.  There was equal amount of ground/foliage, as there was sky, the island and the kids (which both seemed to be focal points) were basically mirrored across the corners. Further, to establish the house as a focal point, i think it might help to give a little more breathing room around it, and use the extra room to us roots to help the composition.

Hope this helps! Good luck on all you work, applications, and schoolwork!

I think more space around the house could help the composition

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