
Monday, April 9, 2012

A character I'm working on

Hey again. So I'm not sure if you animators (and ex-animators) are aware, but us game art students had the advancement review this weekend and I've been up working on that for the last few days getting my portfolio together (thus my absence from this blog).  But my portfolio has been submitted, so rest assured I will make a valiant effort to keep up now! (and refrain from resorting to excuses).

Haven't had much time for studies or anything lately, so I thought I'd post a character design I'm working on .  This is Rasko who is a young mischievous boy who gets cursed by a dark magic.  He acquires mystical powers, but begins to see demons in ordinary people/things (and consequently hurts others unintentionally).

The setting of the story is based in Nepalese-like location and so the clothing design based loosely off of Nepalese culture and it's geographical location.  Any ideas, suggestions, or critiques are welcome!

And thanks for the feedback from earlier! Any help i can get is greatly appreciated.


  1. Hey Justin!

    No worries. :) Just do what yo can. I hope your portfolio goes well. I'm actually about to get ready my own portfolio for internship applications, so I might change gears to that as well.

    I think the thing that's holding the character design back the most is the underlying structure and anatomy. If Jen has the time, she's really good at red-lining that, so maybe you can request that from her. Also think of the big shapes first, before you get into the details. Think of Lou's class. :)

    I hope that helps a bit.

  2. Awesome. I would love a red-lining!
    Yeah, this was done for my visual storytelling class, so character design wasn't really emphasized or something we were given much time on, and i'm afraid i may have settled on the first thing i liked. I did a number of different ideations, but not as much as I would normally do for a character design. I think I might have to readress this character and focus on the big shapes, like you said, to develop a really unique character.
