
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Scribble 001


I'm Jennifer! I was an Animation major before my current switch into Graphic Design. But I need to improve a lot of things so that when I paint for leisurely it won't look ridiculous. ):

It's a simple image to get myself warmed up. I'm rusty. D:
Thanks for looking!

- Jen


  1. This is completely awesome, Jen! I'm so sad you won't be doing Animation anymore because this is an awesome character design. Love the colors and shapes. I wish I can make purple hair work like that. :x

  2. Thanks Alex! And yeah I won't be completely out of animation (Dave was gonna check and see if I can graduate with it as my minor!) because I'd still like to be able to do it on freelance basis if needed. And any color hair would work but you gotta play with the colors so that it's befitting overall!

    1. Yay. :) I was talking purple hair for me in real life, haha.
